
3:08 PM

Just playing catch-up a bit, but this summer has been AWESOME! Brett's summer internship was in Salt Lake, so we got to go out to Utah for 10 weeks and live with his parents in Herriman! It was great to come back to our old stomping grounds and to see friends and family again, and we definitely didn't waste any time hitting up all of our favorite places. Pictures are worth a thousand words, so here's a butt load of pictures to describe our summer months:

Hiking Bells Canyon with the newest member of our family - the Selfie Stick!

Bees game with Brett's law firm

Basking in the glow of best friends

Hittin' up Bear Lake for the 4th of July (Do you like how I cropped that picture? Rule of thirds my friends!)

Getting treated like rockstars at the Deer Valley resort - props again to Brett's law firm

Got family pictures taken - we didn't even plan the color coordination! (Jk)

We drove all the way back to Indiana and found this in our apt when we got home - b/c we have awesome friends!

Then we went to Chicago just for fun! Oh, also Brett had a huge important conference there too, I guess

There you have it folks. All in all, it was a pretty swell summer. And the best is yet to come! Hint: Honeymoon 2.0. That will be my next blog post. Let's be honest, it may take me 4 months to post it, but I'll get to it eventually. Motivation!