
7:35 PM

We made it to Bloomington! After approximately 1500 miles in the car, 1 speeding ticket and a bag of Sara Lee bagels later, we made the trip from Utah to Indiana!

We've only been here for less than a week, but we're already really starting to enjoy it. Everyone here is SUPER nice - like we stopped at Walmart for a minute and our cashier was like the happiest person ever. Then we went out to dinner and our waiter was like, the happiest person ever. And I emailed someone in the city government, and she was like - the nicest person ever. People here are AWESOME!

It's hard getting used to the flat landscape, we definitely miss those mountains. And I've never appreciated the grid system in Utah more than I do now. But we've done a little exploring around town and campus and its so awesome!

Campus is like this massive Hogwarts-esque campus tucked back into these gorgeous, lush woods. We've tried walking around campus twice and both times we've been too exhausted and hot to do the whole thing- but we'll get there. And can we talk about this humidity? Maybe they're just experiencing a humid spell, but MAN it's crazy humid here. As you can see from the picture below, my hair does not react well to humidity. Our car always has this perpetual moisture on the windshield. It's great :)

We are really excited for our ward! We've only been once, but everyone there is so warm and welcoming and there are several other couples moving in this month to start grad school, so it's comforting knowing we'll have friends who are in the same situation. I love how going to church makes me feel like I'm at home, no matter where I am. We are so blessed to have the Gospel in our life.

We're just starting this new adventure, but we're so excited and grateful for this opportunity!


  1. Looks dreamy!!! What a beautiful campus and fun little town! Miss you guys!
